About Bridge

BRIDGE MEDIATION LLC is an international Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) company specialized in mediation

and negotiation for businesses and individuals. Bridge Mediation is based San Diego and in Italy. Bridge Mediation

develops unique solutions for overcoming the tremendous challenges when involved in conflicts.

Our Mission

Bridge Mediation LLC dedicates time to educate corporate business leaders, individuals and students on problem solving and mediation. BM is specialized in using mediation as an alternative and complementary conflict resolution method to the traditional legal system to overcome difficulties and search for the right solutions. We provide a pathway of resources to facilitate dialogue between companies or individuals

involved in conflicts and overcome the differences.

Founder Message

Core Values

Bridge Mediation develops unique solutions for overcoming the tremendous challenges of cultural differences involved with multi culture business disputes and serves as a link between international matters involved individuals in different countries. The mission of Bridge Mediation is to provide to businesses and individuals the pathway to overcome the conflict or difficult situations where they are involved and offer alternative solutions to their problems to be able to look and move forward.
Bridge Mediation LLC as well dedicate part of its time to educate corporate business leaders, individuals and students on how cross cultural negotiation, problem solving, and mediation as an alternative and complementary method to the traditional legal system method is essential to overcome difficulties and look for a solution. We provide a pathway of resources to facilitate dialogue between companies or individuals that will enable to perceive the tremendous challenge of cultural differences and with the knowhow we are able to find an innovative dispute resolutions solution that satisfy the parties.

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